
This Magic Keyboard Concept Features a Touch Bar - Looks Immensely Slick

Right now the Touch Bar is exclusive to 2022 MacBook Pro. What if Apple slapped the newfound 'characteristic' to a Magic Keyboard and starts selling it? This would exist the result of that idea.

This Apple Magic Keyboard With Touch Bar Concept Looks Legit in Many Means - Make information technology Happen, Apple!

Information technology's pretty obvious at this bespeak Apple would want to continue the Bear on Bar sectional to 2022 MacBook Pro lineup. Eventually though, information technology might make the jump onto another product at some signal in the future. But what product would that be? I tin't say at all. But I can say one thing - Apple's Magic Keyboard for the desktop sounds similar an obvious choice for this characteristic. This is something which the company can pull off quite easily, provided they are willing to go downwards that route.

If they do become downwardly that route though, this will probably be the fruit of that idea:

Created by Reddit userHazza42, the concept render looks stunning in a lot of ways. And before someone draws a conclusion that the keyboard looks like to a particular Logitech keyboard (the keys part just, of course) be assured that's not the case here. The keyboard instead takes enough of inspiration from Apple's new 2022 MacBook Pro if you lot wait closely. Spacing on the keys might be a lilliputian off, but nonetheless, it gives us a good glimpse at how Apple can surprise us in the futurity with such a production.

Interestingly, the designer went an extra mile to add a USB-C port behind the keyboard likewise. I'thou simply bold that port will exist used to charge the keyboard, zero more. Just a nice touch to proceedings considering how Apple tree is adopting the port at a rapid step these days.

Things are topped off with Space Gray color option, something which Apple has found new love for.

Wrap Upwards

I for i would beloved to meet this keyboard glimpse at the calorie-free of day. It'southward obvious Apple will non launch such a product as is. Just given the potential this thing would have on a workspace, I bet a lot of people out there would pay top dollar merely to get that Touch Bar feature without having to buy a whole new calculator.

But at that place'due south one affair I sincerely hope doesn't make the cut - butterfly keys. The feature seems nice on a notebook level, but on a desktop? Please Apple, have mercy on usa.



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